Headline News

Bancroft assistance plan goes nation-wide

May 19, 2016

Bancroft Managers Rhonda and Sandra flank their staff (Jacquie, Wendy, Kate, Margaret, Caitlin, Janet, Amber, Shawnia, and Shyanne) as they launch their “Big Mac for Fort Mac” fund-raising campaign. TONY PEARSON Special to This Week

By Tony Pearson

Like many good ideas, this one seems obvious in hindsight: Buy a Big Mac to support Fort Mac. And like many other good ideas, this one came out of Bancroft.

Jamie Campbell owns and operates the McDonald’s restaurant in Bancroft, as well as others in the region. Last week, he decided to set up a unique way of helping people in Fort McMurray deal with the disaster which the forest fire inflicted on their community. His McDonald’s outlets declared that a dollar from the sale of every Big Mac would be donated to the Canadian Red Cross to help families in the northern Alberta community. He also set up donation boxes at every outlet. And each dollar raised would be matched by the federal government.

When he notified Canadian head office of the food chain, they immediately applauded the idea and took it nation-wide. Declared Antoinette Benoit, the chief marketing officer:

“We are thrilled that the Canadian System is coming together with such passion and excitement to support this weekend’s “Every Big Mac Supports Fort Mac” fundraising efforts. As a system, we always rise to support our neighbours in need – it’s who we are”.

Enthused Campbell: “It’s really been  the overwhelming (and I mean  seriously overwhelming)  generosity of our community, and the unbelievable energy and enthusiasm of every one of our employees here locally,  that helped bring  this thing to life. Our incredible  staff and managers pulled  this  together on such  little notice and with so much  unmatched enthusiasm. We couldn’t be more proud and thrilled that this initiative has been picked up nationally.  Like every Canadian,  when our friends need us, we’re there.”



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