August 2016 Archive

Ontario increases funding for hospitals

Quinte Health Care (QHC) is receiving over $1 million for hospital repairs and upgrades.

AGB exhibit makes history

A small bit of local history was made last Friday night at the Art Gallery of Bancroft (AGB), with the packed opening of Finding Critical Mass, the first AGB exhibition dedicated entirely to the art and culture of the Algonquin First Nations people.

Bancroft library welcomes new CEO

I’m Chris Stephenson, and I’m thrilled to announce that I’m one of your newest residents. This week I have joined the lovely ladies at the Bancroft Public Library in my capacity as the new library manager. And what a week it’s been already. I’ve had a bit of orientation, set up some new members at the front desk, and last Saturday I ran another successful LEGO challenge program. Check out our Facebook site for the pics.

Opera and pirates fill the Playhouse

The new sold-out summer theatre camp for kids has launched, under the direction of creative director Dianne Winmill and the theatre is filled with excited kids learning to sign, dance and act. These future stars have five days to learn their lines, moves and get their pirate pitch right for two special performances on Saturday, Aug. 13 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. as part of the It Takes a Village Summer Camp.

Local councillor wants to make a splash

“For the last few years I’ve always dreamed, and I know the community has dreamed, about having a splash pad at Riverside Park,” Bancroft Councillor Tracy McGibbon said, sitting down to talk about a possible water haven for community members.

Hydro hurting locals

Dozens of people turned out last week to share tales of abuse of power – the power supplied by Ontario’s Hydro One. One after another, residents came forward to chronicle their ever-rising hydro bills, which in many cases now exceed housing costs. Speaker after speaker identified how often they were forced to make choices between essentials, skimping on food in order to pay for their electricity.

Professor worries over quarry

An Earth Sciences professor with property on Jeffrey Lake is looking out for the Freymond quarry proposal. She wants to see it properly peer reviewed, and to make sure that locals understand the scientific language being used in the studies to come.

Federal tax funding announced for local municipalities

Hastings County and Lennox and Addington County will receive close to $2.5 million for infrastructure development.

Reverend swims hard for community

Rev. Lynn Watson is swimming to raise money for local churches and Social Justice Without Borders (SJWB).

Making a difference with ice cream?

I’m sitting in the cozy patio at the HoP, that’s the short form for Bancroft Community Transit’s (BCT) new sustainable building Heart of the Park which is located in Bancroft’s Riverside Park and right beside the Heritage Museum. There’s a lovely breeze blowing, kids are playing in the park, boats are paddling along the York River and the sun is shining down on this perfect summer day. And I’m making a difference in our sitting on one of their cute little yellow benches taking it all in and eating an ice cream cone! Yes, you heard me right.

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