Headline News

Radiothon raises $24,000 for local hospital

August 16, 2022

By Kristena Schutt-Moore

The phones never stopped ringing during Moose FM’s annual radiothon for the North Hastings District Hospital Auxiliary on Friday, Aug. 12. The We’re all Heart radiothon raised over $24,000 so that the auxiliary could help  the Bancroft Hospital purchase seven Piccolo Xpress blood analysers and Vital Signs monitors for the hospital’s emergency room.
This is the 15th year for the radiothon, and every year the community supports them in their goal of helping the hospital. This year it was a one-day event starting at 9 a.m and lasting till 6 p.m. Moose FM team members and auxiliary volunteers were stationed both at the radio station as well as the Price Ford parking lot to answer the phones and collect donations. 
All donations were announced over the radio by radio show hosts Joel Lamoureux and Chris Walker.
There were many donations made that day from spare change handed out the window of vehicles passing by the parking lot to people phoning in over $1,000 donations at the radio station. 
The analyzers and monitors will cost the hospital over $50,000 to purchase so this summer the auxiliary is making it their focus during their we’re all hurt campaign to raise enough funds to purchase the analyzers and monitors for the hospital.
The radiothon gave the auxiliary volunteers a big head start and they would like to thank the community for all the support.



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