General News

List of 15 cutest small towns includes Bancroft

August 9, 2022

By Mike Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A recent online article from, a magazine about Ontario’s Highlands, had a list of the 15 cutest small towns, and Bancroft was listed as one of their selections. Andrew Redden, the economic and tourism development manager with Hastings County and Bancroft Mayor Paul Jenkins comment on this accolade.

Ontario’s Highlands include; Frontenac County, Hastings County, Haliburton Highlands, Lanark County, Lennox and Addington and Ottawa Valley. The online article appeared Aug. 4 on the website, and listed Bancroft as one of 15 of the cutest small towns. The site’s writers included the following small paragraph they’d written about what appealed to them about Bancroft;

“Bancroft rocks! Seriously, it’s Canada’s Mineral Capital. This former mining town is cute as a button with striking cliff faces throughout. This is a great daytrip destination.”

Other small towns that the site considered “cute” included Almonte, Arnprior, Barry’s Bay, Carleton Place, Eganville, Haliburton, Madoc, Marmora, Minden, Perth, Pembroke, Renfrew, Sharbot Lake and Smiths Falls. For more information, go to

Redden says that part of what makes Hastings County so “Wildly Authentic” is that it is home to several picturesque and quaint urban centres.

“Bancroft is one of them and a great place to visit or call home,” he says.

Mayor Jenkins reveals he has many people from out-of-town approach him to comment on the natural beauty of this area and how they love the town.

“As residents we sometimes overlook this until we travel elsewhere and return to appreciate how truly ‘cute’ it is.”



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