General News

New IT business now open in Bancroft

January 9, 2024

By Mike Riley

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A new IT business has opened up in Bancroft at 10 Hastings Street North, Unit 1. Opening its doors on Dec. 22, North Hastings IT owner Martin Budarick, who has many years’ experience in the IT field at both the recently closed McCaskie’s TV and Stereo and at North Hastings Public Library, says business has been good thus far. Budarick comments to Bancroft This Week on his new venture.

Budarick says that the opening day for North Hastings IT was quiet because they didn’t open officially until 2 p.m. on Dec. 22 as they were waiting for Bell to install their Internet. He says that when they opened a few people came by, including family and friends to have a look, as the windows had been covered since Dec. 1 while True Reno Construction was completing the renovations to the space.

“The first week for North Hastings IT was good. Many people stopped in to see the new space, and to see what products are available and to understand the nature of my business and the services I provide. The amount of support the community has voiced for this business venture, either in person or on social media, has been amazing,” he says.

Budarick says his IT experience comes from a variety of places, beginning with his own day to day experiences with new and evolving technology, six years of employment at the recently closed McCaskie’s TV and Stereo and his work at NHPL as a technology services facilitator.

“While working at McCaskie’s TV and Stereo, I acquired IT knowledge while helping clients solve the IT challenges they faced. Each client’s need was a new experience in IT support, from the simplest of tasks like restarting a phone to helping remove dangerous software from their computer, and everything in between. During my time at NHPL as their technology services facilitator, I was working with clients to help them be more comfortable in learning to use their technology and electronics for day-to-day use. I also get IT experience facing my own technology problems as technology grows and expands. I too must keep up with the rapid and ever-changing advancements,” he says.

For a few years, Budarick says he had a desire to open his own business, with a heavy focus on customer service and satisfaction. He says he opened North Hastings IT as this specific time, as the owner of McCaskie’s TV and Stereo decided to retire and close the store.

“During those six years at McCaskie’s, it was very evident to me that my community would benefit from a location where they could shop for technology and electronics while also receiving focused assistance with their devices. The result being a client that is more confident and educated, in a world where technology is constantly changing,” he says.

At North Hastings IT, they provide a variety of services, including transferring information from cell phones and tablets to other cell phones and tablets, providing support to frequent problems clients face, and helping them understand what accessories are available and how to use them.

Budarick says they have support for computers, laptops, and their accessories like printers, scanners and more. They also help clean computers, help them stay updated and ensure there are no dangerous or suspicious programs or software on them.

“We are pleased to offer private in-home consultations and service. Many of my clientele greatly appreciate the ability to receive direct to home service, for installations and one-on-one support,” he says.

Budarick told Bancroft This Week that his business is here for the community.

“I was born and raised in Bancroft, I have seen technology change in the community and I am here to support my community’s IT needs,” he says. “My hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.”



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