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‘Momma June’ marks 90th birthday

June 30, 2016

June McLay-Hill celebrated her 90th birthday on June 18 with a special ceremony involving Bancroft Mayor Bernice Jenkins.

June McLay-Hill, also called Momma June by dozens of people in our community, celebrated her 90th birthday on Saturday, June 18.
Mayor Bernice Jenkins participated in the festivities and presented June with a certificate on behalf of Bancroft’s town council.
June is an active member of the Word of Life Outreach Church in Lake St. Peter. Pastor Mike West officiated the celebration. June received from her grandson Matthew Borrello, a dozen roses on behalf of all her grandchildren.

Grandson Michael Lee (son of the late Danny McLay) played guitar and sang an emotional solo of “Amazing Grace” accompanied by his wife on the recorder. June, at 90 years young, lives independently and is active in several volunteer jobs.

She is well known for her singing and playing piano at her church services.

When June was asked how she manages to be so active, she replied: “I feel the Lord has blessed me all my life and I feel young at heart. I try to think and talk positively. Do away with the word ‘can’t in my vocabulary and I always try to encourage others and never hold a grudge.”




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